Ebixu, the new platform for payment dispersions in Colombia.

Ebixu empresa 2

Noviembre 28 de 2022

With the new trends in payments and the growth of the digital market, Ebixu a platform for payment dispersions is entering the Colombian market as an alternative to make those payments that take so much time and delay operations.

Desde el 2020 cuando  todo cambio miles de negocios tuvieron que cerrar y  migrar a la digitalización  para poder seguir operando, esto incremento las compras web cambiando los hábitos de consumo en los colombianos, generando una cultura de compra online que cada día va creciendo más.

Companies require a fairly complex operational management when making payments, for this reason Ebixu was born, a payment platform that offers a safe and fast way to make PayOuts. We created a new way of doing payment dispersions, which will change the way we pay third parties.

Ebixu una plataforma de pagos para dispersiones esta ingresando al mercado Colombiano

The Ebixu payment system is very easy to use, it only requires one click to make bulk payments and make a transfer of funds. The app also has a custom dashboard that helps you keep track of your movements.

Ebixu provides a decentralized solution for third-party payments that aims to be local, simple and transparent for both customers and beneficiaries. It can process a high number of dispersions per day in local currency, which means you are not limited. You can also use it from anywhere and at any time.

Unlike traditional payment methods, Ebixu has no distance or time limitations. You can send money from anywhere in the world using just one platform, all you need is an API integration.
