¿Qué son los Payouts y porqué son importantes?

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Noviembre 28 de 2022

The financial processes of companies represent challenges for teams since they depend on many manual procedures, data management and spreadsheets which are exposed to errors, confusion and data loss.

By standardizing, automating and integrating these processes, companies can minimize errors and increase productivity, this is why EBIXU presents its Payouts system. The new trend to generate massive payments to different actors such as customers, suppliers and employees, all through a platform that streamlines and controls the way of making transactions between bank accounts and virtual wallets. 

The automation of payments to third parties allows companies to eliminate manual tasks which helps reduce errors, visibilize data thanks to the dashboard of the platform and makes approval times faster, generating payments in less time and allowing payments to alternative receivers. By doing this your company can use saved time to improve the strategic work of the business and not waste it in operational processes.

The PayOuts system is available to make payments to beneficiaries such as companies, suppliers and independent businesses. We are adaptable to all business models that need to disperse payments.

  • Payments to third parties such as merchants, suppliers, employees or freelancers.
  • Payment to suppliers of a Marketplace system.
  • Dispersion of occasional profits.
  • Recipients of donations.
  • Payments to collaborative economy models.
  • Refunds of payments or returns.
 Recibe mas información en +57 322 4207815